Month: December 2014

  • So Fresh, So Clean Proper Oral Hygiene

    Practicing proper oral hygiene can help you to not only look great, but feel great. However, many people across the United States do not take the necessary time and effort to thoroughly clean their teeth. In fact, research shows that only approximately 50.5% of Americans state that they floss on a daily basis. This means…

  • Undeniable Proof That Dental Decay Is a Serious Problem

    Ever since you were a kid, you’ve probably heard about the importance of good dental hygiene — brushing, flossing, not eating too much sugar (hah! good one!) and making regular trips to the dentist’s office — it all got stuffed into your brain as early as possible. But the truth is, most adults start forgetting…

  • The Troublesome State of Pediatric Dental Care in the US

    It’s a well-known fact that poor dental health is a serious issue for kids and adults alike, and dental decay can cause an amalgam of other health issues pretty quickly. But you might be surprised to hear that, according to government data, the most common chronic health disease among American children is dental decay that…

  • Let Cosmetic Dentistry Boost Your Self Confidence

    Are you feeling insecure about your smile? Are you worried about missing or crooked teeth, or perhaps teeth that are not as white as you’d like them to be? It’s certainly understandable. Your smile is part of the first impression that you present to the world, and if you’re feeling insecure about that smile, than…

  • Take Care of Your Teeth and Your Teeth Will Take Care of You

    “No, my friend, I am not drunk. It is that I have been to the dentist and I need not go again for six months. It is a beautiful thought,” Agatha Christie once wrote in The Patriotic Murders. Christie expresses a sentiment that is all too familiar: going to the dentist is the worst. But…

  • Want Beautiful, Shining Teeth? Choose Cosmetic Dental Work!

    Your teeth are one of the most important parts of your body. Maintaining dental hygiene is important for your overall health. If you don’t take regular care of your teeth, they can form cavities, suffer nerve damage, or worse. With enough neglect, they can fall out altogether! For your dental needs, a dentist comes first.…