Are you missing one or more of your original teeth? If so, there is a permanent solution available that can be administered at a cosmetic dentist office near you. The cosmetic dental surgery of dental implants and mini implant dental works 98% of the time. It is also the one kind of cosmetic dental work that looks, feel, and functions like a real tooth.
But what does dental implants dentistry actually entail? A dental implant begins with a titanium root that is secured to the jaw bone. From there, an abutment that holds the ceramic crown resembling a tooth is placed on top of that. In general, porcelain is the preferable material for use in crowns because it is very similar to the actual enamel of teeth.
As alternatives to dentures, dental implants fit better in one’s mouth and are easier to manage in terms of care. In this way, they are helping to make dentures more insignificant as a cosmetic dental option.
Statistically speaking, about 2.63 million operations involving cosmetic dentistry are implemented each year. More specifically, about $144 million are spent on dental implants each year. If you have questions, comments, or tips regarding cosmetic dentistry or mini implant dental in particular, be sure to share your thoughts in the forum below. Research more here.
14 responses to “You Can Replace Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants”
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thanks for information!…
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good info!…