The most common cause for people over the age of 35 to lose their teeth is gum disease. Gum disease is a big problem in the United States, as 3 out of every 4 people have it. However, gum disease is easy to control, that is, if you go to your dentist on a regular basis. The Eau Claire Wisconsin best dentist to go to is one that will watch out for gum disease so you can keep your teeth. When you find your Eau Claire Wisconsin best dentist they will also tell you that if you drink 3 or more soft drinks every day you have a higher risk for tooth decay leading to tooth loss.
Most people want to keep their natural teeth for the rest of their life and it is possible today with the proper diet and by going to the dentist on a regular basis. Even though the common thought is that one should go to their dentist twice a year, the number of times you go to the dentist each year should be on the advice of your own personal dentist. People who have gum disease should go in for tooth cleaning every three months, depending on how bad the gum disease is.
Make sure you find the Eau Claire best dentist you can to care for your teeth and to monitor your oral health. If you are already losing some though, the best eau claire dentist to go to is one that does Eau claire dental implants. Dental implants are done using Titanium steel posts that are implanted into the jaw bone where the missing tooth is. Titanium can bond with the bone and attach to it so that the dentist can then put a cap or crown on it to replacing the missing tooth. Some dental patients have more than one dental implant. Eau Claire mini dental implant procedures are possible if you only need one tooth replaced.
Dental patients who prefer to wear dentures can find the Eau Claire Wisconsin best dentist for Eau claire dentures. No matter which option you choose, it is important to find the Eau Claire Wisconsin best dentist for the type of dentistry work you need to have done today.
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